Dang Hyang Nirartha

Sembah hormat kehadapan Beliau, Ida Pedanda yang sangat dihormati rakyat Bali sampai hari ini. Beliau di Bali mendapat panggilan kehormatan dari rakyat, sebagai "Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rawuh" (Pedanda Sakti yang Baru Datang).

Toward the end of the 15th century, a brilliant Hindu priest Danghyang Nirartha crossed the Bali Strait and made the difficult, fateful journey to Gelgel, the seat of Dalem Waturenggong, the benevolent ruler of the island.
Nirartha won the king's favor and became his trusted spiritual advisor. In this elevated position, Nirartha was well known for his political and religious achievements. He was responsible for establishing the supremacy of the Siwaistic Brahmin family, which survives until the present era, and for constructing various major temples as the island's spiritual fortification